Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Breakfast with Teachers - Semester 1, 2010

Breakfast with Teachers
by Miss Jean Tan

Cakes, curry puffs, pies, fruits, and MacDonald's breakfast sets.

The morning of 27 May 2010 at East Spring Secondary was greeted with students and teachers carrying bag-fulls of good food and other delightful treats. The school community gathered excitedly in their respective classes for their once-a-semester classroom feast – Breakfast with Teachers!

Teachers relished the extra opportunity to interact with students, whilst students had fun trading words and laughter over breakfast. Miss Ng Bee Hong, form teacher of 1E1, was one of the teachers who ordered MacDonald's for her students. The pupils tucked delightfully into a customized menu of Big Breakfast, snacks and bean curd, while listening to the teacher’s feedback over the past semester and words of motivation for the next.

“I think it is a great opportunity for us, teachers, to sit down and have a meal together with the class.” Miss Ng wrote, in an email interview. “Most of the time we are always so formal in class and there are few opportunities for us to have a heart to heart talk with our students; play games together; getting to know more about their secrets and them getting to know more about our life besides teaching.”

Students likewise were thrilled to have this time to interact with their teachers in a casual setting. When interviewed, Muhammad Nazri and Syed Faiz from 3N2 both concurred that it was a “great way to bond with the teachers”.

After a hearty meal, students of all classes swapped their meal trays for buckets and cloth and began cleaning up their classrooms in united effort. Pupils scrubbed and swept, determined to make their classrooms a pretty picture to leave for the school holidays. In doing so, they wrap up a whole semester of lessons and time together, and pave the way for a new term ahead.

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